Emarts is the pseudonym given to Eliana Araque.


Eliana Araque, Tunja (COL), 1990.

Berlin based artist graduate in fine arts at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain, 2021). She began her artistic education at the Aki Artez in Enschede, Netherlands (vooropleiding cursus 2016/17).

Not interested in committing with a specific technique or plastic language, the interdisciplinary experimentation and research is what guides her creative process. Among a broad set of topics, she acknowledges her responsibility as an artist but foremost, as human being, by reflecting on the current historical context, aiming to create awareness through her work and to contribute with human culture.

The environmental liability ought to be addressed intrinsically in her creative process, that she links to philosophical subjects such as human nature, identity, dualism, and feminism.

Some of her pieces have been exhibited collectively in Literatura a trazos at Ubik Café and La Batisfera (Valencia, 2019) and individually Mortuos Pulchritudo at Softart Café and La Serpiente Emplumada Mezcalería (Valencia, 2019)

She achieved cum laude with her final project Metamorph… The creative process as a transformation mechanism. (2021).